Collaboration with Itta Howie
1 an emotion excited by what is unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable, esp. surprise mingled with admiration or curiosity etc. 2 a strange or remarkable person or thing, specimen, event etc. 3 having marvellous or amazing properties etc. OED
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
Friday, 11 February 2011
River Frome Experiment

breathing life into the flow
blowing bubbles into the test tube
shaking it up - watching pinhead bubbles swirl and twist
toss into the river
catch the air
droplets tap tap
ripples circles flow.
Collaboration with Itta Howie
Monday, 28 June 2010
Local Abundance
I'm in the process of compiling an audio book of local recipes.
If you live in Bristol and have any recipes you would like to share I would love to hear from you.
Click on the image below to enlarge.
The theme for the recipe book is food made from ingredients grown by you, a friend or foraged from the wild within a 10 mile radius of your home.
Friday, 11 June 2010
Narroways, St Werburghs 11th June 2010
Walking with friend and artist Natasha Machin we stop to exchange breath with the other-than-human life around us.
Once upon a time the people resisted the proposal by a developer to build houses and roadways to a much loved and rare green space in the city.
Here today I breathe in the air infused with hedgerow trees, grasses, wild flowers, pee, cow parsley and memories that are not mine - of people who resisted schemes of road building.
The scent gives me a treat, one I could access everyday if I was disciplined or even create ways that I experience virile growth to be in my world. I see this action to breathe air that competes with the car culture of Bristol and the business flights, I see it has a privilege and I ask how can I pass this on? Simple not to those whose minds are occupied daily with the struggle to find a place to call home. And I am happy to acknowledge that I can access this because of the actions of the people from the past - a sure relationship between people and nature. I ask what is nature? Is it outside us or are we part of it?
Natasha Machin
Ants carry aphids their own size effortlessly up the red earth mound.
Translucent greenflies cling in a regular pattern on the underside of a sycamore leaf - the sun highlighting the print.
Grey brown old bramble stalks lay across one another in a scribble. A lizzard? A mouse? A shrew? A slow worm? Slithers through the gaps.
The hawthorn berries are hard green pellets, shiny in the light, the hope of pink around their edges.
Eve Houston
Thursday, 13 May 2010
The Rhubarb I Fed
On a south facing slope

My head pointing down hill into the Rhubarb
Blood draining into my skull and the flesh in my cheeks
Taking a deep breath in through your pink and green stems - through my chest and my heart -
blowing on your vibrant green leaves that flap in the air
Breathing in your qualities - strength - nourishment - flexibilty
I breathe out - warmth and moisture - I breath in memories of taste - tart - the sensation of sharp prods to the cells on my tongue and gums - saliva seeping quickly into the wells below my teeth with each shot of acid
I breathe in the colour green - infused with light - the colour of vitality, life and living.

Friday, 5 March 2010

Quince and I
Our cool smooth skins touch
Our bark warming and softening in the sun
Our bodies breathe the stillness of the air
Our bodies call for nourishment
Feed me, feed me, feed me
We absorb the sun
Growing inside
Ideas will blossom
We will fruit
Building our strength through stillness and contemplation
Storing our energy establishing ourselves in our sunny spot
before we flower and share in our abundance.

These words and photographs document a creative response to an invitational score given to me by Choreographer Itta Howie
Close your eyes
touch a plant stone tree soil
listen to what it says
about itself
about you
and what the two of you
have in common
Sunday, 30 August 2009
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